Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Around the World

To tell you the truth, if there's one thing I like more than gig posters, it's travel posters. I know they're mainly ads to get you to want to go to the idea of a place but I still think they have strong merit. I especially like those in a Art Deco style, mainly because everything always seems like it's modern and in movement using soft gradients and hard lines. The use of simple shapes also adds to the overall cleanliness of the design. For example, in this poster created to advertise San Sebastian in Spain, it's easy to see the use of angles in the sails to help create movement as well as the lines in the waves. Most of the shapes are simplified as well and use a limited colour palate. Just makes you feel like San Sebastian is a chic place to be. I've been lucky enough to travel a bit already but I can't wait until I'm able to go off again. Maybe I'll look into San Sebastian...

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