Friday, April 30, 2010

Book Vases

The idea of taking a material that's unexpected and transforming it is really intriguing. Designer Laura Cahill has done just that with her vases and furniture made out of used books. Although the designs for her furniture are nice, it's the medium that really makes them stand out. I'd love to do something like this again. Last year, I had an assignment where we had an archetype (mine was a ring) and we had to create three pieces of work a week out of different materials based on the archetype. I found it really opened me to looking at all materials differently. For example, laminate floor padding is a really cool material to design with. Regardless, I got what I think I needed to out of the project, the idea that anything could be used to design with. So, now I don't count anything out. People still surprise me; always interesting to see how designers are able to look at things in a different light.

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