Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Wedding Story

I remember seeing this invitation at the TDC Show last semester and absolutely loved it. The typefaces used are all very different but seem to work well together. The variety of typefaces really provides visual contrast and excitement as you're going through the piece. I find it's kind of like when you tell a story, you don't use the same tone of voice for every part that you tell. Using the different typefaces is almost like a change in tone.
I also really enjoy the fact that it's not a traditional invitation and that it allows you to connect with the couple despite if you know them well or not. I wish Jill and Matthew a good wedding and I'm not even invited! I guess the fact of getting to hear their story it keeps you and makes you want to continue through the whole of the piece. That's one thing I haven't designed yet; a wedding invitation. This one makes me want to try for the fun of it though. Doesn't make me want to get married, but does make me think of trying a new way to design.

P.S. It's too bad I can't remember who designed this invitation. Well, credits and kudos to whomever it's from.

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