Friday, April 30, 2010


Well, I've made it to post number 60. It seems like a nice round number, perfect for reflecting on the whole of the semester. This semester was good. Met some new people, got taught by some new instructors, took some new classes. I think I finally understand the pace that this program runs at now. Took me a year to get it, but I think I at least understand it now. It'll be tricky to change my habits, but I'll adapt. I think I'm still learning about what makes design compared to other aspects that work with it such as illustration and the like. I guess that'll come with time though.

I liked the fact that this year had a different feel from all my past years in school. Something about knowing that this will end up being a career really settled in. Hopefully, keeping that in mind, I'll try to push my design more and figure out what works for me.

Signing off for summer days....

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