Sunday, April 25, 2010

Kozyndan Blues

I fell into finding an illustrating team called Kozyndan. They have some really cool work; a lot that has a hand-drawn, slightly quirky feel. Despite them being known for an illustration of 'The Great Wave of Kanagawa' featuring bunnies, I found some of their other work to be just as interesting. One that stands out is a piece called 'Salaryman Blues'. The piece creates a pattern of blue figures that at first doesn't seem depressing at all. It is only when one looks closer that the Japanese businessmen committing suicide become apparent. I find the juxtaposition between the bright blue and subject matter to work really well together making the viewer feel that the piece is apporachable and then have to look closer to see the detail and message. There's a sense of movement throughout the piece that really relates to the idea of jumping (and falling) as well as keeps the viewer's eye moving through the details. All of the figures have been placed as to continue this sense of movement throughout the piece. For example, even in details such as two hands connecting through a figure to a foot to another head....everything's very strategically placed.

I also like the fact that the piece related to a larger issue. It's crazy how intense it is:
I guess illustration provides another way to approach issues like these. It's interesting to be able to make a statement both graphically and politically in such a subtle way.

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